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08:33 / 23.03.2002
komentarz (9)
Sie rozgadalam o tym chorernym voodoo...musze uwazac na cisnienie, prawde mowiac to mam juz problemy z sercem. Za duzo emocji, ot co. Albo zabije sie w to lato, skaczac z Joshem z samolotu, albo, jak nic, przekrece sie z wscieklosci albo ze smiechu.
Magazyn "Humanist" ma bardzo trafne credo, jakis czas temu przyjelam je sobie na wlasnosc. Wczesniej uzywalam jako filozofii zyciowej credo opublikowanego przez Fromm'a, ale nastreczalo ono pewnych technicznych trudnosci: ma 7 stron, w razie pytania:
"A Ty, w co wierzysz?" Ciezko bylo to cytowac...*sigh*


I believe in the real world and in people.
I believe in separating myth from reality.
I believe that people can solve their problems by using
imagination and common sense applied with courage and following basic moral principles.

All my life I want to learn and develop, and to enrich the lives of other people. I want to feel the joy of life. I want to make peace, democracy and well-being in the world while respecting the freedom of people everywhere.

I believe in beauty of truth. Beauty can be loved even when it's not understood, but truth can only be found through understanding. Truth becomes clearer and more beautiful the more it is investigated.

Troszku infantylne, nie przecze. Ale dobre, krotko i na temat.